Monday, June 1, 2009


Why don’t people use them? Those fold-up cardboard things or the spring-loaded fabric ones that have to be wrestled into submission (although once trained, they are fairly easy to deal with) that go in your car’s windshield. People in this area don’t seem to have caught on to the good things they can do. Such as keep the interior much cooler, protect the dash from damaging sun rays, keep the seat from burning your butt, and prevent the steering wheel from instantly blistering your hands.

I have noticed this phenomenon ever since we moved here, but in the last week or so I have been paying particular attention. Every time I have been in a parking lot – Walmart, Costco, restaurant, post office, health club, etc. – I have made note of how many vehicles actually have a sunscreen deployed in their windshield. Other than the vehicle I have been in, on only one or two occasions has there been even one other sunscreen in use.

We live in a high desert area where it gets scorching hot in the summer and the sun blazes relentlessly. You would think people would do whatever they can to ease the effects of the heat. But it doesn’t happen that I can see.

And they don’t tote water bottles with them everywhere – guess it’s only us wimpy transplanted Californians who are into the benefits of water. But that’s a rant for another day…

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