Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pudge's Stones

Pudge has stones in her bladder. They are called "stones", but they are actually crystals -all pointy and sharp. They form because Pudge doesn't drink enough water, and the urine becomes too concentrated and thick. So crystals start to form, and they irritate the lining of the bladder because they are all pointy and sharp and cause problems.

What's to be done? One obvious thing is to get her to drink more water. Yeah, right! Ever tried to get a cat to do something you want it to do and the cat has no intention of doing? Trickery is called for - like adding a little extra water to the canned food (which so far is working quite well). The Vet also suggested getting a "cat water fountain" - a continuously recirculating water fountain that seems to catch cats' attention and attracts them to drink. Of course, we couldn't find one locally, but GolfGuy got on the handy dandy internet and ordered one; it should be here tomorrow.

Another suggestion was to switch food to one with no magnesium - one of the three elements of the crystals; no magnesium, no crystals form. We found the dry food (expensive stuff) and switched it out with the previous chow. They seem to like it all right - always a concern as cats are such picky eaters, unlike most dogs who wolf anything down without pausing to taste it. We haven't as yet found the right canned food - I would just as soon avoid having to purchase the extremely expensive brand at the vet's office (and which most cats would rather cover up than eat). I will do more looking today.

Getting her into the carrier for the trip to the vet's office was classic cartoon "Bill the Cat" action. The cat spread-eagled over the opening and the humans trying to pry loose the feet and legs and stuff them and the body in. I expected the same scenario at the vet's office, but he just turned her around on the table and she headed right back in the carrier. We think she decided it was better to be in there then out on the table where that man kept pushing on her bladder, trying to make her pee.

We expected her to really "punish" us when we got her home. She has a very long memory and harbors a good grudge quite well. But after a short disappearing act, she emerged her usual self, wanting GolfGuy to groom her, settling on "her" chair by ours to nap. At least we don't have to give her a pill - "pilling" a cat is NOT a pretty sight - or try to squirt liquid stuff down her throat. I just wish there was a quicker fix for the problem; it really bothers me to see her so uncomfortable.

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