Monday, March 23, 2009


I have projects lined up, ready to take off like planes on the taxiway at LAX. Some I have actually started and then put aside for whatever caught my fancy for a time. Others are busily churning in my mind – I spent the hour at Silver Sneakers exercise class, while huffing and puffing along, plotting blog posts and planning the latest plastic canvas project that popped into my head early this morning. Others remain glimmers in the back of my mind – waiting for the chance to catch me unaware and demand attention.

Recently, the needlework projects have been shoved to the back of the line by the blog – and my new obsession with hidden-object computer games (one that is shared and aided and abetted by GolfGuy). This new design idea has really sparked my interest tho, and I am anxious to see if I can get it worked out. So, there is a new #1 in line, and I am off to see what I can do about it.

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