Thursday, March 26, 2009

Funny Memory

Today as we entered the on-ramp after visiting the home improvement store (boooring), GolfGuy and I spotted a hitchhiker by the side of the road. A sight so rarely seen here that we commented on it. GolfGuy remarked that at least he was on the right ramp.

That made us remember when we were staying at an RV park in Oregon for an extended period and for TWO days a young, slightly disheveled couple stood at the bottom of the OFF ramp at our exit from I-5, thumbs stuck out. Each time we saw them, we commented “They really should be over on the ON ramp if they seriously expect to get a ride” and laughed heartily. Finally, on the third day they moved over to the on ramp and were soon on their way. Some kind soul, not us, must have suggested the move to them because it obviously had not occurred to them.

Today’s sighting and shared memory once again caused us to chuckle and shake our heads about some people.

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