Friday, April 3, 2009

Restaurant Karma

GolfGuy and I just do not have good restaurant karma. Seems like we always find the worst places to eat, have the worst meals, and get the worst service. I don’t understand it – we’re basically nice people, look presentable, and usually tip more than the minimum.

Anyway, yesterday GolfGuy needed to go to the Village center to get some thingie for his new computer and he suggested that I go along and then we could go to the new Chinese buffet in town. You know me, always up for NOT fixing lunch at home.

Of course, it was NOT a good restaurant experience. The food was tasteless and the various chunks of chicken were tough – the so-called teriyaki chicken should have been labeled “old shoe leather.” The sweet and sour chicken came with a gelatinous red goo that oozed over everything on the plate and crept up my fork to spread onto my hand. The list of horrors continues – but the absolute worst part was that NOTHING on the steam tables approached being warm! Hello trouble!

Today GolfGuy is doing poorly – with all the classic symptoms of food poisoning. We had basically the same things – except he had noodles rather than rice and some beef stuff AND sushi, #1 candidate for culprit of the day.

Usually in instances like this, I react quickly and violently to the slightest hint of food being “off.” So far I seem to be okay, which is a good thing as the family birthday dinner for Mamie is scheduled for this evening. Hopefully GolfGuy will be sufficiently recovered so that he can man the grill, even if he can’t eat or join in the festivities such as they are.

1 comment:

  1. Oh NO!!! He has to grill my birthday London Broil! I suppose Igor can pinch hit if necessary... and you guys DO have the WORST restaurant trauma!!!

    Hey, you didn't write a blog about being the parent of a 40 year old...!
