Tuesday, April 14, 2009

DWTS, Wk Whatever

I knew YummoG could do passionate and intense, but I wondered about more fun and light-hearted. Wonder no more, he can’t – at least not as well. It was a good performance, but a bit of a let-down after the previous two weeks.

The Cheerleader and the GMW better look over their shoulders – that’s the Rapper closing fast, breathing down their necks and set to race on by.

LT tried so hard, but even a session with Warren Sapp couldn't turn surly into fun. LT could have the moves if only he could lose the football attitude.

Time to get serious about culling the herd. I think CuteCowboy will be next to go – the hordes of brain-damaged adolescents will probably keep Jackass on for a couple of more weeks, in spite of the judges' best efforts to get rid of him. The CWSinger will also be one of the culls shortly. I’ve been wrong most weeks about who will go, so we’ll see.


  1. I'm surprised at how well Lil' Kim has done! Just goes to show that stereotypes can fall.

  2. She had a pretty bad rep - including jail time among other things. Maybe it's her squeaky clean appearing pro partner that is shining up her image.
