Friday, April 24, 2009

Pull-thru Parking

GolfGuy and I arrived at Costco a few minutes prior to opening time this morning – actually about 15 minutes before but our Costco always opens 5-10 minutes early, unlike an Oregon one we used to frequent that waited, deliberately I think, until 5-10 minutes late so that there was a sufficient crowd gathered to cause a mini-stampede when the door did roll up. Anyway, as we sat there chatting we noted a number of vehicles that had pulled through the parking spaces so as to land with their noses out to the driving lane – set for a quick get-away perhaps.

Most of these pull-through vehicles were SUV’s of some sort or vans with TAILGATES. We wondered how these people planned on loading their purchases should some inconsiderate soul park behind them and actually pull close enough that not only could they not squeeze their carts in, they probably could not open their tailgate. We watched one lady in a large SUV, who had no idea where her back end was, leave it hanging over the space behind her. Whoever parked in that space would have no choice but to pull up close or leave their back end hanging out in traffic.

Then we speculated on how much fun it would be, if we had an old beater of a car, to pull up bumper-to-bumper with one of these pull-throughs and then hide and watch what they did when they returned. Do you suppose they might learn something? Not a chance!

Are all these people that backing-up challenged?

1 comment:

  1. I think they are back-up challanged! I watched a lady try to back her minivan in at school yesterday and it was comical. She tried in 2 different spots and couldn't get into either one!
