Monday, May 25, 2009

Clueless, Lame-brained and Witless

We made it back home safely from Arizona. Although, I sometimes wondered if we would. We ran into rain for most of the trip there – mostly light to moderate, sometimes really heavy. Much of the time, visibility was limited and it was difficult, if not impossible, to see another vehicle until it was 15-20 feet away – and that’s when their lights were ON. I noticed that a lot of vehicles did not have their lights on, so I started keeping a loose kind of count and came up with about 1 out 4 without lights. Talk about clueless – made me wonder if they had even turned their windshield wipers on!

Except for the stretch south of Flagstaff, we were driving on 2-lane roads. Most of the route was slightly hilly to mountainous as we climbed to 8,000 feet north of the Grand Canyon and descended back down. So passing was tricky and chancy, although many areas had numerous, short passing lanes. The weather was clear on the home-bound trip and visibility was good. One lame-brained driver going the other way decided to pass about 3 vehicles when he didn’t have room to pass even 1. He was definitely bound for a head-on meeting with us, but GolfGuy slowed WAAAY down and pulled as far to the right as the narrow road and skinny shoulder allowed – one of the vehicles being passed also slowed. So lame-brain was able to squeeze back in safely, even though he did not appear to make any extra effort to avoid the really ugly mess he was about to cause.

Other drivers scare me witless.

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