Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Baby Quail

Had my first actual sighting of this year's crop of baby quail just now. There appears to be 5 of them - the brood usually starts out with 10+. They are just past true puff ball stage and getting little stripes on their backs, which will go away as they mature.

The grass in the backyard is kinda long right now (GolfGuy's been slacking), and they were having trouble navigating. They kept hopping up to spot Mom and Dad and get a fix on where to go. Later, I will have to go out and spread a good supply of bird chow on the ground and get the water dishes down.

Pudge is the one who alerted me to their presence - she had her nose pressed up against the sliding glass door, staring intently at them. Yesterday, it was a fat lizard that caught her attention. She seems to be pretty blase about the finches and doves - same old same old.

Spring is now complete.

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I will look for them while cat-tending this weekend.

    Remind me to tell you about the mouse in the garden wagon...
